Write For Us
Are you born with a pen and paper in your hands? Has writing regularly filled you with a unique sense of satisfaction? Do you love telling stories in your words, making them sound as if no one has told these narratives before?
If you answer Y-E-S to at least one of these questions, if not all, join us. Piazza Grande loves to hear from you.
We are looking for contributors, writers, and bloggers who can help us come up with the greatest content. While our team finds pleasure in delivering the best to our audience, there’s still room for improvement. We want your fresh ideas so keep them coming in.
Send us your thoughts, drafts, and outlines on things that matter to you and will affect anyone else who will read them. Keep them original and remember, we only accept unpublished articles. We don’t want to publish anything on our site that has already appeared somewhere else.
Submissions must be at least 300 words. If you’re a writer blessed with talent, skills, and inspiration, you may write your heart out in a maximum if 1200 words.
The world needs more gifted writers. We can’t settle for the same things over and over again. Life is all abut diversity, and that variety lies in each one of us. If you have the skill to write, join us and flaunt your talent. Make use of your gift. Share it with the world.